Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What are friends?

True friends are there;
Whether you are up or down!

Real friends are there,
To say the right thing, at the right time, in the right way,
And even when they don’t,
They still try.

Real friends stand by you,
When you face,
The fire-breathing dragon of life,
And help you stare it down,
With a warm hug,
And a knowing wink.

My friends,
My real friends,
True friends,
Have stood firm,
Holding the line of my own sanity,
Though razor thin,
And aid me as together,
We strive to tame the beast.

My friends,
Real friends,
The ones who’ve shown up,
In my moment of need,
Have reminded me of Aesop,
A hare, the rabbit, loosing,
To a tortoise, that knew,
The power of slow,
And I thank you,
My friends.


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