Friday, August 24, 2007

Babylon Concerns Me Thus

Babylon concerns me thus;
Our hearts and minds littered with deceit,
The little lies we’ve told,
Ostensibly for our own protection,
Yet are we truly protected,
Or merely cogs in a very big wheel,
Allowing deceit and corruption,
To mount an unrelenting attack,
On the very core of our social fabric,
This marked decay worsens by the day,
Yet we are blinded by our own choices,
Seemingly irrelevant,
But are they?

Our understanding of Babylon,
Is tainted,
As we are,
By our own design,
Either unwilling or unable,
To see through our modern creature comforts,
To realize consciously or otherwise,
Just how close we are,
Living each day,
Not just with the sins of our fathers,
But also our own.

As consumers,
Buying the little,
Seemingly innocuous lies we’re told,
About pimple creams and cars,
Ice cream and clothes,
Soft drinks and even the news,
Hook, line and sinker,
While men in suits,
Predominantly men make no mistake about that,
Sit aloft our bought and paid for ivory towers.

Babylon concerns me thus,
That behind well crafted and delivered media campaigns,
Our ignorance is preyed upon,
And the reward for our continued silence is the tenuous balance we call,

Babylon can not exist unchecked – History can and will repeat itself; Dramatically!


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Politics Practiced

We practice the politics of discontent,
Our leaders,
No longer statesman,
In any sense of the word,
Draw power from perceived inadequacies,
Of their design,
Of their competition,
Giving no credit to accomplishment,
And relishing in the failure of others,
These actions by our leaders,
Stunt our democracy,
Taking it from our hands,
And placing it in their own,
The SELECT minority.

These politics are a direct assault,
On you and I,
Though we’ve been duped into believing differently,
These politics,
And their strategists,
Are waging a full out war,
With corporate donors,
And wealthy elites,
Against our sensibilities,
Numbing us to the horrible point,
Of not even voting,
APATHY their best friend,
And voter.

We must reenter our political arena,
Before we’re left as nothing more than spectators,
By men and women no wiser than WE,
THE people!


Monday, August 20, 2007


Such an easy word to say, three letters, so easy it is almost shameful.
But the real shame is in the way that we seem so oblivious to what’s going on.
The war for the hearts and minds of Iraqi citizens well under way as the crushing of a tyrants regime takes its unnatural course.
But here at home, in North America, a different kind of war is being waged.
A war to win the hearts and minds of the people being asked to foot the bill for the Iraqi peoples liberation.
However, it seems to me, that in this war dissent is not being well received, to voice an opinion contrary to that of histories only court appointed President makes you unpatriotic and disloyal to his worthwhile efforts.
Any dissent, any at all seems to put you in the black book that we all know exists.

The Dixie Chicks and Martin Sheen, The Pope and Jean Chretien and the list goes on...

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