Saturday, July 7, 2007

May I?

May I, will you allow, these words,
To enter your mind in one simple action,
Directing your though away form the negative,
To embrace the incredibly positive,
May I?
May I love you as Astaires Body loved Music?
Picasso’s hand loved art? Shakespeare’s words and Galileo the sky?
May I,
Will you see that this love reaches into the depths of the soul,
Opening the window on an emotion,
This time, our time, unconditional;
May I love you as a baker bread, a teacher teaching, a doctor healing and assuredly a writer writing?
May I entreat you love lover,
To read these words,
Trying to express what God so often has shown us is right,
This night,
Despite the ominous tone in the air,
May I love you,


Context - Written the night that Shock and Awe began

Friday, July 6, 2007

Do you ever...

Feel like a pariah?
Fell as if no matter how hard you try to do things right somehow they never are?
Feel as if you have so many people around but save for a few gems in the universe you are completely alone?
Feel as if you are the happiest person on earth but something is trying so hard to bring you down?
Feel as if you are too smart for your own good?
Feel as if there has to be a better way but have no idea what it is or how to achieve it?
Feel as if although you are paddling forward three strokes but somehow go back two and a half...
Feel as if...


Invoking God's Name

History has a unique position in humanity, precariously perched as a guide, a beacon and also an excuse. Funny you might say, an excuse, but think about it and you’ll see, an excuse of ridiculous proportions.

When Hitler rose to power certainly not our greatest hour, we stood by for a while to see. While building outlawed armies, reclaiming treaty lost land and shipping Jews out of his Aryan land the rich tapestry of history was used to incite the people. He used history as a weapon more powerful than the atomic bomb for his seething hatred became full only in his propagandas success to win German’s hearts and minds. History was a great source of power and he wielded it as if it was his own.

He spoke of the rise of the Third Reich with great fervour and precise ammunition as he claimed it was his mission to reclaim the greatness of the Fatherland. Behind his rhetoric, the Aryan rants he assured his people of histories favour.

That with time all things would come to pass and that history would shine on the Third Reich for a thousand years. The world now rejoices that his maniacal rants were just that and further that history bears witness to the horror of that, one of the darkest chapters in our history. He invoked the name of God to champion his brutal goal.

History is now knocking again, loudly and distinctly on the door of humanities conscience and again is being used as a reference of justification for our current hostilities.

Around Baghdad in the ravaged country of Iraq, Saddam beams out his message to all who will listen This tyrant in the same vane as Hitler, uses history and God as uplifting evidence of the righteousness of his cause. So I wonder - Am I the only one that sees?

The American sanctioned despot, once friend, now enemy, is using the same tactics Hitler did. Calling for the destruction of the invader as God instructed, topple the infidel and God will reward you: The empty words he uses now, the timing is suspect. Saddam only knows one God: Himself!

But it is not only Saddam debasing God. No, our friends to the south are just as guilty. Bush also uses God and history to justify his actions.

History should not be used as a tool and God is not rhetoric, one sheds lights on our current state, the other light to guide us.


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Choose - Live or Die

10 minutes to midnight,
what will happen when the clock strikes twelve,
will Saddam’s maniacal Cinderella tale come to an end,
on the screen I just saw,
the B – 52’s getting ready,
on the runway,
Is it time to go?
8 minutes to midnight,
is it time for blanket bombing to begin?
7 minutes to midnight,
at least in Baghdad;
the coalition of the willing,
about to drop bombs,
defense contractors pockets filling,
6 minutes now,
what are we to think?
5 minutes,
I’d really like a drink,
My mind wandering,
I’d really like to know,
Are the B – 52’s just for show,
Ask the Vietnamese,
They’ll tell us true,
4 minutes now,
oil fires in Basra await,
3 minutes,
surrender or fight,
2 minutes,
expedition in Iraq two hours ago,
12 hours early,
1 minute:
Choose –
Live or die?



Context: Written the night the US invaded Iraq

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

You(My 31)

If only we could see each other from the perspective of the other,
oh that you would see the very picture and personification of love
contained in the view that is your inner shine and your outer radiance.
From within your soul commands the greatest attention as it emanates, fresh:
Imagine the taste of strawberries,
the smell of freshly cut grass,
the look of a French masterpiece
and the feel of love as understood by a child:
This is the impact of your souls amazing shine.
One might think that this is enough to explain
yet this is merely a scratching of the inner surface
while the exterior also delights and intoxicates.
From the tip of your gorgeous toes
to the ends of your magically blonde hair,
a new picture of a package rare emerges.
As Doisneau captured lovers in the city of lights
with the feel of love caught in single images,
yours is much more than a thousand words,
with the richness of chocolate, milky,
the elegance of truffles,
and the rarity of Fugu.
Your beauty is the realization of every artists desire.
Van Gogh had sunflowers and starry nights,
da Vinci his Mona Lisa,
the Group of Seven the gracious Canadian landscape
and Fellini his films,
But I know a joy they never did –
For I know love as truth, innocence, beauty and light –
a muse like none other and these words are but an attempt to seize the essence
that I am fortunate enough to know –
perfectly imperfect,
by divine design,
I know you and now my life,
As you!

Happy Independence Day

To any and all Americans that read me;

I wish you the happiest of Independence Days. As one of my favorite lines says; "don't forget what you're celebrating, and that's the fact that a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didn't want to pay their taxes."

In that spirit I hope that you all take at least a piece of this day to reflect on the past and to first conceive of and then create a better future.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Prescription for a TRUE generation (NEW)

A one time late night infomercial Diva used to say; “Stop the insanity!” Of course I must agree. Yet before any meaningful progress can be made stopping the insanity we must identify its very roots. Its no accident that I chose those words from Susan Powter, as they came to me via one of the very tools of distraction which must clearly be seen as one of the root problems we as a society face.

Each day, with as little effort as a touch of your finger a screen lights up – Sometimes in black and white, sometimes in colour – Almost always a distraction with relatively few exceptions save those nuggets of wisdom – Jewels of education that seek to inform and incite. The rest of the time your children and mine sit in front of a screen which often times has become a very dangerous surrogate parent.

For hours on end, care of the stupefying technological advance of the last century, our children sit before the television bombarded by images they can’t possibly understand: Perfectly crafted messages inspiring a new breed of consumption. Confronted by sex and drugs at every turn is it any wonder that our children are having children.
By giving the television this kind of dominion over your children and relegating yourself to third tier caregiver why are you surprised when your 13 year old son or daughter (in the brief time away from TV) are mimicking the things they see? Pregnant? Drunk? High? Violent or dead?

This started long ago, when you put your child down to watch Sesame Street or Romper Room, Barney or the Teletubbies to buy you a few minutes so you could do something else. You teach them that the TV is their friend in essence. One that would never leave them alone – Unlike you!

Now see, this wouldn’t be so bad if from your office now that your child is off at school you didn’t blame the television for the ways your child has developed. Every time the principal calls to let you know they’ve found a gun in their locker, or were in a fight, or were stoned – Only then after letting your child’s development come at the flick of a remote for the most important years of their mental growth do you try to intervene. Too late! You’ve lost that battle.

So now that your child is getting older and you sense the need to get involved you try to analyze, to get inside your child’s head so once again you relegate that duty to a doctor, a shrink, a head doctor, a psychiatrist or psychologist and your not at all surprised when the doctor says it’s A.D.D. or obsessive compulsive disorder, manic depression or any other gamut of mental diagnosis that could be. But you are assured that there are dozens of ways to aid your child – Therapy or Medication. Therapy is a good start, at least there’s some talking involved, but, more often than not, the children, your children, fall into another distraction – The medication trap. The doctor says Prozac or Paxil and you agree, Luvox or Cylexa and you ask if the doctors sure – Perhaps Zoloft or Xanax they suggest while inside your mind you curse professing you did your best.

But did you?

It seems that the parental role has been diminished by distracted parents creating distracted kids who pay the price and I’m here to say that price is too high and the suffering must stop: Collectively. So forget the television for a moment its not its producers fault – Forget about schools and doctors and all the other distractions paying careful attention to this prescriptions for action to take back a true generation.

From birth, do you remember the first time you locked eyes with your child? That little boy or girl is like a sponge waiting for the water of life that you will give it. Your child will learn to speak, to read, to write – What will you do with them tonight? Perhaps one show, but then no more, show them a book which will open the door. Embrace your child’s passion and give them a way to celebrate each day. Teach them to love, learning to decipher relative truth, this is the way to save our youth.

Show them love, caring and support and let them know your there for them. Teach them to ask question, to be as inquisitive as they were when your eyes met their the first time. Let them know that failure and that its okay but its important to get back up and face the day.

Read with them, write with them, laugh with them, cry with them and make sure you play too. Be a parent and a friend; Parent first, friend next.

We, this generation, gathered here today, if we can ease the distraction and be the parents we’re all capable of being with this prescription a new generation we’ll see: True!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Fit to Print

What’s the story, all the news that’s fit to print, save that now so few of us seem to pay attention to the wholesale value of words and what they truly mean, let alone read, in this age of television. In days gone by long ago, words came from storytellers, first spoken through a glorious oral tradition to let us know of our past and where we came from. Soon, the spoken word gave way to the written word giving a freedom of conscience and consideration that the spoken never did, as from behind closed doors we could choose in dimly lit rooms whether to consume tawdry tales of the Marquis or moral dilemmas from Voltaire, Choice; Where should our minds advance? As technology advanced and the industrial revolution gave birth and rise to the marvels of invention again our focus changed, albeit temporarily to radio – The magic of invisible waves renewing and invigorating the spirit of the oral tradition. Families sat in rooms to listen to the news or stories of the world at war or of mystery and intrigue, our imaginations still active as with our minds eye we still had to create the images of people, places and things that we had no firm knowledge of, or belief that we could ever see. Still challenged by the media that fueled our souls by leaving us wanting and hungry. As history shows us, technology allowed us to become intellectually lazy, as again, invisible waves brought pictures to us of places we would never go, to see things we could never see, save for the images that now confronted our senses, first in black and white, then in colour.

The golden age of that technologies advance brought us presidential debates, the Cuban missile crisis, assassinations and the first step on the moon. Respected veterans of that by gone age like Cronkite, I can only imagine what they would think, as now, from the cradle of civilization, in stark contrast to an age of moderately objective truth I now see Babylon falling again brought to me by talking heads that talk a lot but don’t seem to be using their heads.

Brokaw, speaks of death, destruction and terror, Arnett of failed war plans, Mansbridge of suicide bombers and Entertainment Tonight of embedded reporters fired for not following the rules.

What is the story? Is it any of these? Or all? Or none – Was Pandora’s box opened when we gave our intellectual ability to services whose only job is to keep us dumbfounded and staring at the screen, why you might ask; so GE, GM, NIKE and McDonalds can sell me just one more, anything, as long as I watch and consume.


Sunday, July 1, 2007

Happy Canada Day

To one and all I wish a Happy Canada Day!

I feel privileged to live in this great country.

I thank all those that sacrificed so that I could celebrate this day in the most wonderful (and inclusively multicultural) country on earth.


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