Friday, January 11, 2008


Things in Iraq are deteriorating,
And I can’t forestall images of Vietnam from invading my consciousness,
Flashpoint Fallujah,
Might as well be Saigon,
But instead of monks,
Alighting themselves in balls of gasoline,
Its clerics ordering backlash,
Against the American dream,
Cry freedom,
Let virtue knock out vice,
Proclaim victorious,
With out bullets,
Instill respect,
Not fear,
Each and every day more killing,
More violence,
More suffering,
From wayward decisions,
And backroom wrangling,
Save oppression and occupation,
Remove them from the lexicon,
Let freedom reign,
Rather than bullets fly;
How would we react,
If someone infiltrated our homeland?
Teach Iraqi’s fundamentals for life,
Rather than fundamentalism,
Teach them the glory of choice,
But not at the barrel of a gun,
It didn’t work in Vietnam,
Why would it work in the powder keg of the Middle East>
I pray for the brave souls,
Fighting their presidents war,
For their safe return,
And a life not haunted by images of liberation,
I pray for Iraqi’s,
That THEY can save their nation,
I pray for us all,
That one day,
The values that we preach,
Become those that we practice,
I hope and pray,
These words represent a relic,
Of a time long past,
To never return.


Context - Written almost one year after the war began

Thursday, January 10, 2008

?? How ??

How exactly is it democratic to have a republican governor (And family member) and a republican top-heavy supreme court anoint the president of the United States of America? How?


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Heroes and Leaders

We’re lost,
And we’re not sure why,
All of us,
In a way,
Longing for direction,
But life comes with no map,
No handy instruction manual,
Or Cole’s notes,
And guideposts,
But not much more,
Where are the heroes and leaders?


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

From God's Lips

To know your love is to know the fluttering of God’s heart.
As your soul reaches out to mine God’s fingerprint is firmly marked on mine.
Each touch of your soft hand on mine is a blessing from heaven which sets me searching for the wings I KNOW you must have.
The halo, though invisible over your crown, I firmly believe is there.
Each kiss sends my soul to heaven while our lips intertwine
in a dance which sets the universe ablaze.
When we make love,
I can hear the joyous sprits of all those lovers who paved the way for our divine union; Destiny for years sought the perfect moment for our introduction
and upon finding it rejoiced as now our soul like tractor beams drew us closer.

To know your love is to be acquainted with God’s purpose and design for my life
as you draw out and set aside the darkness and pave the way for the light.
Inspiring, by your very existence and powerful presence in my life
a transformation resultant in the countless volumes written on life,
love and the state of human affairs.
To God’s delight you shelter me, give me safe harbour to express all that it means to be me. You accept, more readily than even I,
the many faults that I have determined in your loving ways
to see me become the man I never dreamed I could be.
Yet, slowly, as your love massages my very human faults, I am becoming that man.
Your love, by God’s design sets me free to roam the depths of my soul
that had long gone uncharted.
The love we share is the lighthouse in the storm guiding me to port.
The love we share, growing by the second reveals all that once was hidden.

I am forever indebted to you for the muse that you are.
More than these words could ever show.
In every way you have shown me life, fully,
letting my spirit soar, basking in the glory of your love.


Monday, January 7, 2008


By the way your eyes grab me,
With the ferocity of an angry mother with a naughty child,
Yet the tenderness of a surgeon during open heart surgery,
Together we walk hand in hand,
Into tomorrow’s tomorrow,
Knowing that our love is so real,
Entranced by the way you touch me,
Touching my soul,
Enlightening me,
With words of support, comfort and love,
Beguiled in a moment,
Caught in the warm afternoon sun,
My skin dancing with delight,
As the sun goes down,
And the moon appears,
A smile comes upon our faces,
One from ear to ear,
To know you,
Is to know all I can be,
To be with you,
Is to capture all that I am,
To hold you,
Is to hold God’s love,


Good luck in New York Charmaine! I will miss you but I am so proud of you! Kick ass, take names and enjoy Stella and the City!
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