Saturday, April 3, 2010

Wordplay for my friend OH!

Where can one find the integrity?
To let go of all parts of an identity,
Manufactured, processed, aggrandized,
But not at all genuine,
To finally slow down and accept all parts of me,
Whether good or bad,
Necessary to acknowledge, internalize and accept,
That, which you are,
In an effort to discover,
That which you will become,
A journey that begins each day anew,
One little, simple, profound step at a time,
Without feeling profound,
Though it is,
For our acceptance of self,
The little things count,
Each adding up to implore us ever greater,
To new heights,
Soaring above the clouds,
Where at our own tempo we can fall back to earth,
To uncover that which is so obvious,
Yet is just out of reach,
Until we finally surrender,
Become one with our pain,
Giggle like a child at the struggle,
That ultimately leads to the path,
Where gratitude can make known,
That invisible key,
Unlocking all you have always been,
and presenting the world with a beautiful spirit,
that needed only polish,
and not demise.


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