Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wordplay 4 April 1

You won’t regret it my mind whispers ever louder,
Find the safety of letting go,
Surrendering to the freedom that the universe beckons,
Softly and deftly,
Reveal yourself and all will be right,
It will work,
Come on you fool,
Accept what you already know to be true,
Stop fighting that which is obvious,
Refuse to allow your mental injunction,
To be the impasse that prevents you,
From seizing who you really are,
Never, never, never,
Let that too big for your own good brain,
Keep you in place,
Keep you from realizing all that you are meant to be,
Stand up,
Be afraid,
Embrace that fear,
Engage in the delight that so freely flows,
Not just in these words,
But shining plain as day,
In those bright blue eyes,
Jump you fool,
Find out who you really are,
No regrets,
Not one,
Join the tea party,
As the Madhatter,
Don’t be late,
For that very important date,
With your destiny,
You can do it,
Beaten to be sure,
Bruised and battered,
Both seen and unseen,
Embrace the pain,
The darkened purple that resembles the gashes of your soul,
I won’t regret it,
It is time to own,
My important date,
My destiny,
On my terms,


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