Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Like a bird in flight or a tree in the autumn rain,
Glaciers hold a secret that we can never fully know,
A secret so powerful that it compels us,
In dreams,
Both while asleep and awake,
To summon the strength of our conviction,
Stop pulling out our hair,
Worrying about this and that,
Or keeping up with the Jones’ and searching for the perfect Prada purse,
And to STOP,
Breathe in the fresh air and the many enigmas within it,
To take that hurt and sorrow,
And keep still our worried minds.

Constantly caught off guard,
Like an over zealous athlete waiting for the starting pistol,
Desiring that perfect start,
Our spirits assuaged and assaulted,
Jarred and jaded like bombs in Berlin 1945,
Always knowing that though the earth may quake,
And that buildings may collapse,
That secret, our secret, your SECRET,
The one that reveals itself plain as each night falls,
Stars, billions of little secrets,
Singing a universal lullaby,
Just waiting for us to listen.

Our mistake,
Painted like tears on the sidewalks of every city,
Every town and village,
With no beginning, middle or end,
Is that we have yet to listen to that secret,
To acknowledge it,
Thinking we all are found,
When instead we should be wondering how did we get so lost?

Man has been anything but kind,
Failing to learn from hurt,
Save that which can hurt us most,
That wild,
Up, down,
Roller coaster ride,
That has the answer to the secret the universe is begging us to hear,
Our deepest convictions,
On this endless journey,
We do not need to be alone,
With every movement,
We should reveal to each other,
The power,
Of love,
And its sweet little secret,
As simple as the petals of a rose,
“She/He loves me.”


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