Tuesday, September 11, 2007


The complexities of the human mind are so staggering as to arouse contempt for any meaningful advancement. Technical knowledge and human ingenuity forever intertwined, yet, we collectively allow a group of mostly wealthy white men to decide the fate of not only humanity but of the animals, plants, oceans and earth and I’m left asking, no searching, for some logical or rational reason that we educated people are such fools.

Wake up – History is today from tomorrows perspective which means one man, one woman, one child can shape history.

Should we sit idly by and let Saddam Hussein, George Bush, North Korea and Great Britain decide history without taking into account the will of the people who empower them in the first place. Wake up, history is ours, we can grab it, shape it, we can create it today but only when our minds are the only things exploding – with the brilliance of innocence generating peace from our collective desires.

We have the power,
Will we use it?
Wake up!


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