Friday, July 13, 2007

Response to a friend request from American Muslim on MySpace

As-Salamu Alaykum, Shalom Aleichem, Peace Unto You,

I am not a religious man. I was however raised in the spirit of tolerance. I was raised both Catholic and Jewish and my father then married a Muslim after my parents divorce.

I believe that religion has been used as a pretext for much of that which is wrong in the world. I strongly believe that each of the monotheists state that their God is right and all others is wrong. This is a belief which will ultimately cause (and has already) great strife in the world.

I categorically state that we are all but players on this world stage. Further that none of us have met God, be God a man, woman or it, none of us know.

I say to many that I am a Rabu (Rasta Buddhist).

I too am curious how you came to find me? As you can see from my profile I am trying to effect positive change in the world by operating outside the normal confines (or boxes) of all religion, corporate culture and charitable causes.

How did you come to find me and in what spirit is it that you would like to be friends?

Do you believe as I do that we can imbue children with the ability to think outside of the box that for so long has caused so much strife on this planet?

Do you believe as I do that we can channel the purity and innocence of childrens thoughts to effect positive change?

Do you believe as I do that someday we will be called to account by something greater than ourselves?

Do you believe that our reward is in the way that we live our lives here in this moment, at this time and in this place?

As a Jew who is now converting to Islam have you considered the possibility that all religion may not have the final answer that so many search for?

As a human being living on this planet, one of seven billion constituents, all interrelated, what is your responsibility?

I am a friend of all on this planet who are concerned with righting iniquity, recognizing our shortfalls and trying to correct them.

Do you feel the same?

I ask all this not to be a thorn or righteous, I ask this to determine what your true self is and whether we are on the same path.

I look forward to hearing your response. Best regards,

SD Mac

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