Friday, July 13, 2007

Response to email rec'd

You see... this is exactly what I am talking about. When you say; "I do believe that god is with all people but closest to the Muslim people." This for me is the embodiment of one who is not willing to step beyond artificial grounds. Grounds set forth under artificial terms.

I think that you misunderstood, my father married a Muslim although he himself is not. But I believe that that union is actually the result of two people who can reach beyond artificial and man (or woman) made restrictions and beliefs. Mohommad, Abraham, Isaac & Ishmael were all men were they not?

I wonder if when you meet your God and I meet mine if he, she or it will prefer you to me? According to your faith (which you've converted to) it is so! Is this not the same as George Bush saying (although I'm paraphrasing here) that his God told him to go to war with Iraq and that it was right? I know that the illustration may not be immediately clear. Let me please refer you to the following;

This is something I wrote just the other day.

I am willing to accept that Mohammad was a Prophet, yet I take umbrage with the statement that he is to be the last.

As you will see from what I wrote. I am a prophet, as potentially are you. So does this mean that Mohammad was wrong or merely overstated? And what ramifications are there from that statement? War, strife, discontent? etc?

Before attacking what I'm saying examine yourself deep within your soul. The God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is the same God and yet each religion says that their God will prefer one over the other. If that is the case then I am not sure that I want to believe in that God. Do you follow what I am saying here?

My God which by no means is better or worse than any other God accepts all people equally. Treats all people equally. Will receive all people equally that accept that they are but one in a much wider scheme.

SD Mac

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