Thursday, August 9, 2007

Reclaim Democracy

Like a prison inmate deprived of food and water,
I feel the solitary confinement of a soul that’s been left in the cold.
Years pass like ages of iron, locked inside the halls of a mind burdened by the promise of tomorrow that seems lost in yesterdays passed.
In a moment of lucidity I can see the stupidity of a system which has at its core the folly of elected officials.
Officials leaving us wanting from the lies apparently told to us for our own protection.
Yet may I project my objection to a system led astray for which millions have suffered on both sides of the global maginot line.
Like the secretly reemerged German army post the Treaty of Versailles,
an army illegitimate is forming right before our eyes.
We vote for leaders electing our collective fate,
but who really puts them there with dinners at 500 bucks a plate.

Inside my mind I am witness to the erosion of the social contract,
as the leviathan of dollars and cents,
preferably American,
slowly but surely secure a greater share in the corridors of power,
not just at my expense, but all of ours
and I am here to state;
claim your VOTE back from faceless cash hungry corporations
trying to sell you shoes, TV’s, DVD’s, Food, Pens and even the news.
For each of those have powerful lobbyists in the marble rotundas and your VOTE is supposed to be YOURS.

So from my cell called private property I implore you to consider –

Who’s lobbying for you?
What does your vote really count for?
Are you sure your votes even being counted because I am sure that Phil Knight’s has and I’m not sure why.

I’ve written a cheque, but is democracies bottom line balanced – Ask the folks at Enron or Worldcom.


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