Sunday, July 29, 2007


My words on this page, the expression of thoughts floating through my mind like the Coalition of the Willings precision guided weapons;
Every bit as powerful as the intended shock and awe as an intellectual assault is about to make you uncomfortable.

I’m sorry,
Except that I’m not, as to my belief, these thoughts are at least part of what the world needs now.

Heavy, the burden on my soul, to feel the plight of an entire region that has not known peace since the beginning of what we call time.
Even without the interference and resolve of the likes of Bush and Blair the fuse on this powder keg was lit long ago.
I sit, awaiting the awful truth, that this is but the next falling point on a very slippery slope. Slippery from the crimson stain of blood that for millennia has run in the streets like rain.
Collecting in the sewers on the streets that I live.

It is visible to the naked eye that the sand is blood soaked and will soon boil over to the surface. That surface being another plateau which behind our own benign neglect we still will fail to correct the long standing iniquity of humanity. The result of which will surely be a fuse that is that much shorter.

Perhaps, and I pray first, and hope second, that years from now these will look like words that rang a bell that needn’t ring, But I fear, deep down, that reality, our reality, shared collectively will show that the next fall on the slippery slope will stain us all;



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