Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Pope and a Slippery Slope

Today is a weird day for me,
The birthday of my mother,
The death of a man, who taught me greatly in a very personal way,
To the family of Ed Mirvish I send my deepest condolences and I thank them for his influence and theirs,
Please celebrate his life,
And now the Pope saying that Protestants are less than Church goers.

This Pope is undoing the great work that was accomplished by the church in the last 30 years. I stand opposed to what he is saying today and I believe that the latest instruments of the Roman Catholic Church are heading down a slippery slope designed to cause a further deep struggle between monotheists.

I have always had a problem with any religion that preaches that its God is right and the rest wrong. That it may be written by the last prophet. I am a prophet. You are a prophet. Bob Marley was a prophet, Gandhi, etc, etc, etc.

But why? To what end? What is the benefit?

To this I say the following;

The Catholic Church is more an instrument of political power today than it is a religious organization. More a bank than a religious organization. More an art museum than a religious organization.

The moves by this Pope have set the church back to a different time. And it is one which is destined to begin a dangerous dialogue.

Please bear in mind that this is the same Church that has a document purportedly written by the hand of Christ that says (paraphrasing here); "Where ever you turn rock I am there, where ever you split timber I am there" and this church says that this is blasphemous.

I left the Catholic Church long ago. I am a spiritual man, a man that believes that there is something in this universe that is far beyond me. I believe that the practice of making oneself better brings one closer to God. Whether God is male or female, animal or it, neither I nor anyone else today knows. But I do know this; we are now headed down a very slippery slope.

To any and all that read this; acknowledge that we are not alone. Acknowledge that there is something greater than you and I. Acknowledge that there is a way to live our life where that living is the reward of its own.

Please think about this…


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