Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Would you like to play a game with profound ramifications based on the limitations of humanity?
Right now the game is afoot and Saddam is Moriarty to Bush’s Watson.
Elementary my dear, that this is war, Round 2, finish the job that was started twelve years ago.

From behind the veil of the right to defend liberty and responsibility to instill a truly representative government for the Shias, the Sunni and the Kurds a new Iraq will emerge.

For winter months when the sun was high, heating the says and chilling the nights the soldiers of liberation at Camp Shughart Gordon learned of their fight, the plight of a nation and the resolve of another.

With the precision of lightning and the new high speed of the internet, this war is different and new.

No one ever suggested or expected that the internet would be so swift – Like the justice that is now being enforced. In the information age it almost seems as information, or the opposite of it, is the weapon of choice.

As the sun emerges and the birds begin to squawk and Indian woman chants something barely understandable but the meaning is not lost; Anger very rarely is misunderstood and it would seem in this age anger is an acceptable response to fear as war looms in a new way – The interconnectability of the universe, sitting here, now is emblazoned, bold for the eye.


context - right after it was clear US was going to invade Iraq.

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