Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Celebrate Love... Today

Today I celebrate love,
which means I celebrate you,
from the tips of your sun kissed multi shaded hair
to the chill curled toes at the end of those long and inviting legs of yours.
Today, I rejoice in the grandeur that is this love,
revealed to me in silent volumes each day on this path that we have chosen.
Today, I stand witness to the incredible power that love has to improve the human condition, to touch the deepest regions of the human spirit,
to embrace it,
making fantastic the everyday, everyday.
Today I celebrate you as every other day,
for the incredible mind blowing, spirit enhancing and soul empowered woman that you are.
I celebrate the rareness of your being,
complete, with all the talents, skills and beauty that you share with the world everyday: Passionate.
Today I celebrate love which means I celebrate life in all its rich complexities.
The vibrancy of life renewed,
no invigorated,
by the great pleasure and privilege of knowing love as I do.
Love, Charmaine, Love,
the same for me, your name and love –
synonymous as each day you live love,
sharing it with all you encounter,
so yes,
today I celebrate love,
with you!


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