Thursday, May 31, 2007

She is

You are a unique spirit –
free and curious,
seeking beauty in even the darkest hour
and with your Phoenix soul finding it,
capturing it
and releasing it selflessly so many others may enjoy.
While sitting beneath the golden rays of an dazzling sun,
atop the thick frozen sheet,
which in spring is Lake Simcoe,
I am struck by the surrounding beauty and reminded,
indeed rejoicing in the love which shines from your glorious soul.
You are THE muse,
an inspiration, mine,
as days go by,
I discover more about innocence, purity and truth,
this love we share with the exuberance of youth
yet the wisdom of all star sages –
attracted by unique spirits,
each other,
committed through faith, bound by belief –
Though times may be periodically rocky,
with the majestic strength and courage of the Phoenix,
this love reemerges each day;
Precious and more vital,
with each new days rebirth –
Thank you for being the inspiration and realization of these words.


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